2 lbs Membrane & Pump Cleaner - from AquaFX
Hard water is one of the leading causes for RO membrane failure. Replacing the RO membrane used to be the most convenient way to deal with the issue (when softening the water was not feasible due to space or economics.)
Treating your RO membrane with our Antiscalant will help to remove excess and built up scale on the RO membrane. This can be used when RO membranes begin to under produce, but for the best results this should be used as a periodic treatment to your RO membrane.
Try cleaning your RO membrane before replacing it. This media will work on residential RO membranes as well as commercial RO membranes. 2.5x21 4x21 2.5x40 4x40
This media is sold by the pound and in bulk - so you will need a refillable shell and a matching canister housing the hold the refillable shell. You should NEVER run your RO system without ensuring the water is dechlorinated.
Directions for cleans your RO MEMBRANE :
Use an AquaFX High-Flow Refill Shell and fill it 1/3 full with RO Membrane Cleaner. Place the Refill Shell in the empty canister: after the carbon block filter. Then connect the canister directly to the membrane housing. If you have an RO/DI system, disconnect the line going into your DI filter.
Turn on your supply water. Once water starts to come out of the wastewater line for 30 seconds, turn the supply water off. Allow the system to sit overnight.
The next day, turn on your supply water and allow the system to run until all the RO Cleaner has fully dissolved. Allow the system to run for another hour to flush out any remaining chemicals. Once the system has flushed for an hour, it is ready for use. (Monitor TDS meters)
Directions For Cleaning Aquarium Pumps :
1-Quart Mixing & Cleaning Instructions
Add 4 tablespoons FX Cleaner to 1 quart of RODI water and mix until the granules have fully dissolved. Once dissolved you can soak and brush to clean your equipment. For thicker more stubborn deposits, soaking the equipment overnight in the solution may be required. After cleaning is complete dispose of any excess dirty solution and rinse any equipment with RODI water to remove FX Cleaner before placing it back into your aquarium. The solution can be reused.
1-Gallon Mixing & Cleaning Instructions
Add 3/4 cup FX Cleaner to 1 gallon of RODI water and mix until the granules have fully dissolved. Once dissolved you can soak and brush to clean your equipment. For thicker more stubborn deposits, soaking the equipment overnight in the solution may be required. After cleaning is complete dispose of any excess dirty solution and rinse any equipment with RODI water to remove FX Cleaner before placing it back into your aquarium. The solution can be reused.