What is Deionization Resin?
AquaFX reverse osmosis (RO) units use the world's most efficient RO membrane material to achieve a 98.6% rejection of TDS from your incoming tap water, but we can't stop there. The issue is that we need a full 100% removal of TDS for our reef or salt aquariums, the quality of water we produce with our DI resin is actually laboratory grade 18 Megohm. DI resin has been the go-to answer for close to 2 decades here at AquaFX. Our USA manufactured DI resin has been a safe a trusted solution for the reefing community the entire time.
This DI resin is Cation charged resin, charged with Hydrogen, Using This resin in conjunction with Anion resin and a mixed bed DI resin can yield a complete removal of contaminants such as phosphate, silica, nitrate, sulfate, aluminum, calcium, etc allowing you to achieve 0 TDS water for your aquarium and help eliminate any possible water quality issues.
Polymer Structure
Polymer Type
Functional Group
Sulfonic Acid
Physical Form
Spherical Beads
Ionic Form (as shipped)
Total capacity
> 1.8 meq/mL (H Form)
Water Retention
47 to 56 percent (H Form)
Screen Size Distribution
16 to 50 (U.S. Mesh)
Maximum Fines Content
1 percent (less than 50 Mesh)
Minimum Sphericity
85 percent
Uniformity Coefficient
1.6 (Approximate)
Resin Color